FDH Infrastructure Services


FDH is a trusted, long-time partner to government agencies and the military, who are among the largest owners and managers of water infrastructure systems. As the nation’s inventory of large dams and levees continues to age, FDH plays a crucial role in developing the technology and analysis tools required to assess the condition of these structures safely and cost-effectively. Through its proprietary nondestructive test methods, FDH provides the data needed to design solutions for extending the lifespan of these structures. FDH is proud to support the U.S. Department of Transportation, U.S. Army, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and numerous state agencies, among others, in their efforts to advance the safety and reliability of our nation’s most critical water infrastructure systems.

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Dams & Levees

  • Geotechnical Engineering (Lab Analysis, Resistivity Testing, Drilling Portfolio)
  • Civil Engineering (Site Remediation, Environmental)
  • Field Investigations (Inspections, Foundation Mapping, Structure Mapping)
  • Nondestructive Testing (Dispersive Wave, GPR Rebar Mapping, Concrete Strength, Ultrasonic Testing, Corrosion, Post-Tensioned Rod Tension)
  • Construction (Painting & Lead Abatement)
  • Research & Development
  • Corporate Headquarters
  • 6521 Meridien Drive
    Raleigh, NC 27616